Friday, May 28, 2010

At Jordan's Apartment

One way to closely examine New York City's filth is to look at a fan. I am looking at one right now--two actually--in Jordan's apartment. I was thinking about limestone bedrock before my thoughts were interrupted by a classic aberration of cleanliness: the dirty fan.

What an awful thought. As you attempt to circulate the air in your balmy apartment, tiny particles of human skin and and ash and
car exhaustand roach feces and animal hair are being delicately collected and made into a mesh through which the rest of your air will be filtered. Thanks, fan.

If I put my neatfreakishness aside, dirty fans
still bother me. Sitting in front of a fan caked with dust is not refreshing. The crud blocks the airflow. Would you rather sit in front of a dirty fan or have someone fart in your face through a dryer sheet? This is a trick question. Either way you're breathing shitty air.

This is an urgent message: keep your fucking fans clean. Do it for me.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Because sometimes zines take too long to complete...

I will resort back to blogging. I've been thinking about it for a few weeks. That's how long it took me to come up with this analogy:

Making a zine is to playing Gin Rummy as Making a blog is to playing regular Rummy.

When you make a zine you have to keep all your writing hidden away until you can artfully put it together and it takes for fucking ever, just like you have to hold all your cards in your hand for Gin Rummy. When you can just throw any old thing you write up on the internet it is like you just showed the world how many more points they can get off the cards you already put down. I love playing regular rummy because I have small hands and it's hard for me to hold all those cards at once. I also like it because I can say "booyah" every once in a while and play off off my opponents cards. What I'm getting at is that I am about to finish the zine I've been working on with Dani for over a year and it's somewhat daunting. What if everyone hates all 160-something pages of it? What is only people whose tastes I don't trust tell me it's good? As my self-indulgent anxiety mounts, I find myself wanting to write but I want the immediate satisfaction of clicking "publish post" and this is how I will get it.
